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Hello, welcome to my blog! I love what I do, who I am. And I like to make people laugh, because it makes me happy. Heehee.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Leaving class soon to go for the Samsung press event. whoohoo!

♥{Siying!} 2:25 PM

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello bloggy.

I think I should start updating my blog regularly. I mean, it could serve as a good purpose if I write meaningful stuff.

That's the first thing I learnt from the Samsung YOG Journalist Programme.

Today, I was on my way to the shuttle bus pick-up point, and I was crossing the road when a young lady next to me was texting while crossing the road.

Well that really disturbed me.

Maybe my new-found hobby of people-watching has caused this, but I realise that on the streets, quite a lot of people like to sms while booyashaking, taking their own sweet grandmother's time to cross the road.

Like hello, you are risking your own life.

So I make it a point now to keep my eyes on the road, not the phone screen, while crossing the road.

Okay, enough said.

Today, I went to school early. At around 9.30, Matt Kuek, She-ler, Theon and I took a taxi to Unity Sec for... my first career booth!

It was really fun, quite slow traffic for lower sec recess, but it got rather hectic during upper sec recess.

Then I rushed back for project work. After that, I was supposed to do filming, but we met with some problems. Chun Hui also asked me to do ambass duty last min, so I went to the CC.

Ushered some sec sch kids to Admissions Talk, then went back to Ambs room.

Late lunch / dinner with sis, Malcolm, Wei Ting, Wilson Tan and Jun Xiang at canteen 2, then went back ambs room. slack around, blah blah.

okay that was my day :)

♥{Siying!} 9:00 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hello bloggy.

This week has been really exhausting, mentally and physically.

On Monday, someone from Samsung called to say that I had been selected for an interview on Friday. I had poly experience then, so I told the person that I couldn't make it, could I go on another day? But nope, and I understood what he meant, like I shouldn't expect people to reschedule just for my sake.

So I talked to Wei Long about it, and he gave me really good advice and support, and with fortunately Sean allowed me to pull out of Friday's poly exp, and eventually I decided I really wanted to do poly exp, so I changed to Thursday.

Tues, we received our dreamweaver results, I scored 100% so I was feeling really good about it. And there wasn't korean class that day, so I spent time slacking in the Ambs room. Basically I like to slack in the Ambs room whenever I'm free. It's like second nature you know?

anyway wed was lecture day, blah blah. nothing much lah.

thurs was poly exp! i was really glad i was insistent in helping out, because it was a really good experience. funny how it was supposed to be an experience for the sec sch kids, but it turned out to be an experience for me.

i learnt to get out of my comfort zone, speak up, talk about what i like to talk about. it's like talking to a friend though you hardly know these kids.

and after the whole event, as if we weren't already exhausted,
wen yih, iqbal, chester, syad, jervis, amar, deborah, denise, ernest, wilson lai, ben and i went to KAP macs to eat late dinner. and as if the polar refreshments weren't already filling.

but hey, it was the company that made it really worth it.

and on friday, i headed to samsung hub for the interview. they said i had a high chance of getting in. i was really really happy for once, and i felt that this was one of the best interviews i've ever had. like that feeling of certainty that you've already nailed it, hooray.

saturday, i watched eclipse with my mom, after so many months after the last movie i watched (sherlock holmes)

and halfway through the movie, my phone vibrated.
The lady from Digital brew (the company contracted by Samsung for the YOG Mobile Experience Programme) called to tell me that I was selected. And that there was a torch relay that we are participating.

like whoa, first YOG and I'm doing a TORCH RELAY.

I'm really excited, and yeah, it seems that phone call made Rob P look a little less ugly (sorry Team Edward, I'm pro-Jacob)

so that's about it.


♥{Siying!} 1:08 AM

Friday, July 02, 2010

Hello wello pello.

I just filled up an application form for a Samsung Mobile Experience Programme, where 20 youth journalists from China and Korea will be coming to Singapore during the Youth Olympic Games.

I really hope I get selected, because it's a really good experience and good exposure to people from other countires!

okay, it's rather late and I have school tomo.. Good night!

♥{Siying!} 1:13 AM

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello bloggy! (:

Yes I know I sound like I'm in a good mood. Cos I am!

Heh I received a call today from Student Services Office, saying that I was awarded the NP Scholarship. And it felt like a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulder.

I realise that when I set goals for myself, I cannot take failure. I remember how depressed I felt when I thought I didn't get the scholarship.

Consequences of being a 'C' personality, I suppose. Can't take criticism and failure.

Anyway, I was having a rather emo day today.

Woke up with a slight fever, flu and a very bad cough. Lazed around a while before going to school.

Locvid was fun, as usual. Gracomm was well, boring. I thought I would at least get shortlisted for the NDP logo thing, but no I didn't get anything. Oh well.

Marcomm was okay, rather dry though. 30 pages of notes on IMC and advertising my gosh.

For medsoc, we had MDA speaking to us about Video Games classification! It was quite fun, and nice to joke around with Rachel Phay.

Then I went to the ambass room. This was my favourite part of the day, because before I went in, I saw the missed call from SS and so I called them. Then when I went in, I felt so welcome and it was really heartwarming.

We took a few Polaroid pics, really good memories.

Okay tata!

♥{Siying!} 10:16 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hello everyone!

Term break is coming to an end ):

But, I am back from ambass Training and Bonding Camp!
I love Group 1 :)

Well I am officially a Ngee Ann Ambassador heh. Quite excited, especially since my first event is Poly Experience.

excited yet nervous! phoooo

♥{Siying!} 1:42 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello :)

I've done a bit of work, and a bit of slacking today.

Just here to share something.

Last thursday (10/6), we had our media in society debate. My group members were Louis, Dom, Carmen and Val.

Our notion was :

The media influences society more than it reflects it.

And we were the opposition!

Heh it was really fun, I thought both groups were really well-prepared.
And at the end of everything, we had to vote for the best speaker.

I voted for Louis cos I thought there were some things he said that were really interesting. Like, "by the way, if you didn't know that, it shows how much the media really influences society".

I got a few votes, which made me really happy cos I've never been voted best speaker.

So anyway, great job everyone :)

Back to doing my web gra web template.

♥{Siying!} 8:34 PM


Hello hello, welcome to my blog!

frontpage hit counter

(The cow.}


Clara Rachel Lai Si Ying
holy innocents' high
1 charity o6'
2 charity o7'
3 charity o8'
4 charity o9'
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Mass Communication
NP Ambassador ♥
choir, alto
IN Crowd 2008/2009
Church of Christ the King
Junior Catechist-in-training
Youth Worship Ministry


Describing myself in one paragraph
I'm a cam-whore freak who has a standard smile for photos. Think pearly teeth, wide grin.
I love journalism and cows.
That means I love expressing myself in words and dairy products.
Purple is my favourite colour.
Which means my eyes are specially focused to notice purple. I love dark purple.
Singing is my passion. Especially in the shower.
People say I have a lame sense of humour.
But I still like making people laugh.
I can be random at times.
For example, I can't draw for nuts.
I laugh at anything and everything.
*only applicable when I'm happy

I'm a perfectionist.
Oh, and I admit I'm a sensitive, stubborn and self-centered girl.
& I can be annoying at times too!
Hey, we all have flaws, alright.
Bitch about me, and you're dead.
I'll sit on you.

The cow loves milk
and much more.

family and friends

gan kor(s):
royston cheow
gideon foo

gan di(s):
louis wong
brian bong
ryan teo

loved dearly by the cow. (:
Boys Like Girls
Angela Zhang
Jason Mraz
Taylor Swift
Chris Pine

Rhino,from Bolt
Powerpuff Girls
Kungfu Panda

HIHS Choir
IN Crowd o8/o9
my hamster, Cotton Candy

is also loved. (:

Cows think big too.

NP Scholarship
NP Ambassadors
O Levels to end soon!
Ngee Ann Poly Mass Comm!
Travel overseas at least once this year
Interview a celebrity
Intern at Straits Times
see snow
Ngee Ann RED Camp 6!
learn guitar
re-learn drums
ride on a rollercoaster
learn to swim
a guitar
worship leader
facilitate a church camp
NP DPA programme!
play pool
take up a sports CCA

Speak in moo.

Friends of the cow.

anne neo
athan leong
brian bong
debra thang
felicia lim
fion fong
gideon foo
huang taiyang
jody ong
karmen lim
louis wong
ng chin yang
queenie loh
ryan teo
ryan chua
sarah lee
shannon tan
shirlene tan
sofia bte akram
soo huiquan


soo han
sharon cousin
huiling cousin
jolene sng

IN CROWD o8/o9

The empty patches of grass.

February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010


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